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riding the storm中文是什么意思

用"riding the storm"造句"riding the storm"怎么读"riding the storm" in a sentence


  • 陌生人


  • Ricardo gardner had made the breakthrough in the eighth minute and trotters manager gary megson rode the storm for a morale - boosting 2 - 2 scoreline
    里卡多.加德纳在第8分钟打破僵局.快马主教练加里.梅森在艰苦的战斗后获得了鼓舞士气的2 : 2比分
  • The poor ego often has little to resort to in attempts to defend itself against the onslaught of the emotional tidal waves that are served up in this combination ? nd often there is nothing one can do except to ride the storm out
用"riding the storm"造句  
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